Our rooibos harvest is underway at Klipopmekaar – and this year marks a change in the way we handle, store and deliver our rooibos.
New equipment, and bulk volume bag size expanded
We’ve moved from 40 kg bags to 350 kg bulk bags (known as massasakke in the industry). This has meant changes to some equipment – including the purchase of a forklift, the re-building of our ‘opteller’ (ie: ‘pick-upper’, the implement used to collect and pick up tea from the rooibos tea court or drying yard), and improvements to our roads between the tea court and rooibos stores.
The move has resulted in significant increased efficiencies in handling and storage; and completes the optimal mechanisation of the making of rooibos tea at Klipopmekaar.
No more back-breaking handling of thousands of 40 kg bags each year from the tea court to our stores and then on to our customers. The team is delighted!